Principle 1
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Principle 2
Make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

All our employees and contractors are required to respect the human rights of fellow workers and communities where we operate, as stated in our business principles. We focus on areas across Group’s activities where respect for human rights is particularly critical to the way we operate: labour conditions, communities and supply chains.

While it is the duty of governments to protect human rights, we recognize our responsibility to respect them. We work with international organizations, businesses, civil society and other bodies to understand and respond to current and emerging issues on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Assessment, Policy and Goals
DKG Group has an internal Code of Business Ethics which includes Human Rights considerations. This Code was first adopted in their current form by the Board of Directors. The Code of Business Ethics has been made available to all employees and is available in English and Greek. The Code is regularly reviewed and amended to ensure it remains as relevant as possible.

Whistleblowing procedures are in place to ensure any suspicions of inappropriate conduct can be voiced. All employees are systematically made aware of the Code and the related Standards of Business Conduct. The internal guidance sets out examples of the types of wrongdoing which should be raised by employees, including non-compliance with legal obligations or a breach of human rights, as well as identifying who to contact.

Measurement of outcomes
None of our concern on human rights abuses are occurred during the year and our commitment is to ensure that we will not accept any associations for our stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers) that do not support internationally proclaimed human rights.